Hey and Welcome to the CunMark Blog!

This  is my own personal space where I share, think aloud and rant about whatever I’m doing in my online business. It’s also a cool place for me to be able to post extra training, tips or whatever I like for my customers and subscribers.

CunMark is short for Cunningham Marketing, a little play on words for my name and what this site is all about.

In a short space of time I went from a general newbie in Online Marketing to running my own 6 Figure Business. I’ve done this through a combination of working really hard, learning from those a lot smarter than me and always taking little steps of progress – no matter how small they are.

Many people like to say that making money online is easy. I don’t buy into that because in my experience it’s damn hard and like any other business takes lots of work and persistence because it’s not easy.

But once you get things up and running the rewards are huge and very humbling when you can see what you can achieve.

I hope you find some of my posts here useful but don’t be offended if you read something you don’t like. This is my own personal spot on the internet and I use it to talk about whatever I like and if it helps a few people along the way then I’m happy.

Hopefully you’ll find something useful here that helps, and you take action on it to move your business forward.

Thanks for visiting!


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