Are You Ready for the Mobile Revolution?

Are You Ready for the Mobile Revolution?

I’ve been reading a lot over the past couple of weeks about the latest Google Update and the huge opportunity it’s opened up for us Marketers.

As of 2 weeks ago Google now Penalizes websites that are not Mobile Friendly. In fact they are giving higher rankings to those who provide an awesome user experience for their Mobile Visitors and have decided that Mobile Usage is now more important that Desktop.

When you think about it this isn’t surprising….the amount of people who go online with their smartphones and tablets has exploded in recent years and desktop computer sales have been on the decline. Simply put it’s a Mobile World now and it’s up to businesses to either adapt or get lost in the shuffle.


This Reminds of me of the Good Old Days…

This whole change from Google reminds of the Good Old Days before I started marketing online, back when I used to sell Web Design and Mobile Websites to Offline Businesses.

  • I used to manually search around in Google for business in my local area who had a website.
  • I would then open up my iPhone and navigate to their URL to see if they had a Mobile Version of their site.
  • The ones that didn’t would go on my Prospect Hit List that I would later cold call, set up meetings with and sell my Mobile Websites to.

This alone allowed me to replace the income from my old job pretty quickly and I was banging out these Mobile Optimized Sites in 20-30 minutes at a time using some awesome “Point & Click” Templates that I bought online.

I literally filled them in with the local businesses details and logo and then uploaded the files. Job done – it was so easy!


But after a while I noticed a problem…

The amount of money I was able to make was greatly hampered by the time it took me to find prospects online, cold call them and set-up meetings, and then travel around to follow up and make the sales.

Sure I was making an easy $400-600 per site that only took me half an hour to create but there was a lot of hours put in to get to that point. And a lot of time on the road.

Little by little my interest began to decrease and I made the transition into the online world – leaving my old Offline ways behind.


But now with the Google Update things have got interesting again….

Because now I wouldn’t be just selling a Mobile Website to a business owner simply because they didn’t have one. I would now be selling a Mobile Website to them because if they don’t have one the will be Penalized by Google and see their Rankings Decrease.

They’ll slip down in the search results and so will their Profits!


This situation provides smart marketers with a huge opportunity to be able to cash in on “Mobilegeddon” and provide an awesome service to local business owners with simple little mobile sites.

But if I’m honest with you I wouldn’t really be interested in getting back into this game if I had to do all the manual work that I did before. I really don’t want to have to cold call anymore or physically meet with prospects to make the sale.

I would prefer to have a system that I could leverage to do all of this for me.


And I’m glad to say very soon I will…

A good friend of mine, and expert marketer, Steve Benn has developed a software system called Cloud Prospect Machine that he will be releasing soon that automates the whole process of finding, qualifying and contacting local businesses that you can sell your Mobile Website Service to.

And it’s with the help of this software that I’ll be adding a nice revenue stream to my business this year, and all in a pretty hands-off manner. Take a look below at an overview of how it would all work…


Step 1 – Search for Sites By Keywords

You can search for any keywords you like and the software will pull back all the results for you. So for example you could search for “Lawyers in Dallas” and the software will generate a table of results based on your search.



Step 2 – Identify Highly Qualified Prospects

It will then tell you which sites have and do not have a Mobile Website running. You can delete the ones that do and then focus your attention on contacting the prospects in need of a mobile website so that their rankings don’t suffer after the latest Google Update.



Step 3 – Generate Reports and Submissions for Prospects

The software will then Generate an Easy to Understand Report for each prospect and can even email them for you. So the contacting process is completely hands-off.



Step 4 – Prospect Views Report, Understands the Problem and Your Solution

The prospect views a report like the one below, can easily understand the problem and more importantly why they need to get it solved ASAP. It makes selling Mobile Websites so easy because you actually Qualify and Educate your Prospects before trying the sell to them. And this makes the sale super easy to do.



It Automates My Old System…

You can see from the steps above that Steve’s Cloud Prospect Machine completely automates my old system for selling Mobile Websites to local offline business owners.

  1. It searches for prospects based on your keywords.
  2. It qualifies them by checking if they already have a Mobile Website.
  3. It generates a report that educates them on the problem and how it affects their business and their profits.
  4. And it presents you as the solution – all from one easy to navigate software.


And to think I used to do all of this manually and still made a very good living from it. To see the way that I’ll be able to systematize the whole process makes me super excited about the kind of results I’m going to get with it 🙂


My Plan for Maximum Profits….

I’m going to start using this software and making sales with it and then document out the process and pass it over to one of my VAs and let them search for prospects and email the reports for me. Let them do that for a couple of hours each day and I’ll have a nice extra income stream coming into my business – and all for very little work!

And after a while I’ll even document out how I create the Mobile Websites and even pass that part of the task over to my VAs as well 🙂


If all of this sounds interesting to you then you’ll be happy to know that Cloud Prospect Machine goes Live on Thursday at 11am EST and I’ll let  you know when it’s open so you can pick up your account while the launch discount is open.

And I’m also going to hook you up with the exact same Mobile Website Templates that I use so that you can bang out these Websites in 20-30 mins by “filling in the blanks”.

Hopefully it will help you to profit from “Mobilegeddon” and provide a really great solution to this real problem that is facing local business owners everywhere since the Google Update.


If you have any questions, comments or thoughts about this post feel free to leave them below and I’ll respond to them all personally.

Thanks for reading!



P.S. Please click a little monster below and share you reaction with others…



  1. Hola Noel:
    que es más conveniente ..un sitio web de respuesta, un sitio sólo para móviles
    es mejor recomendar a las empresas locales.

  2. Hello Noel:
     which it is more convenient ..a responsive website, a site just for mobiles
    it is better to recommend to local businesses.

    • Noel

      Hi Danny,

      If you have a responsive website to begin with then that’s the best solution but most local businesses will already have a normal website – a non responsive site.

      Those are the businesses that you would create a Mobile Website for. But this site would only be accessible from a mobile device, if a user accessed from a desktop computer they would be shown the normal website and vice-versa.



  3. Hi Noel,

    My first simple mobile site for the local animal inspector linked to his WordPress site. The theme is not responsive and I did not want to get involved with a theme change as the Polish language characters tend to disappear!

    Both sites are owned and maintained by me, so it was easy to link the two with a plugin, but what if a potential client does not want their theme changed or will not give access to their cpanel?

    Will the Cloud Prospect Machine include a field for ‘WordPress’ sites as well as ‘No Mobile?’

    Finally will it work in Europe?

    Regards, Morgan

    PS: I can’t wait to see your Mobile Website Templates!

    • Noel

      Hi Morgan,

      Thanks for your comments.

      If you are not hosting the website for them then you would need access to their cPanel account. The way I do it is the Mobile Site is uploaded to the same account and is just in a sub-directory. It only loads if it detects the screen of the device accessing it is smaller than a certain dimension.

      That way the correct site works for Desktop Visitors and the Mobile Site loads for Mobile Visitors – but you would need cPanel access to do this. I usually don’t find this a problem, it comes with the territory.

      When Cloud Prospect Machine searches for your Keywords and loads the data it will sort them between Mobile and Non-Mobile Sites. I need to check again to see does it list them as WP or Non-WP Sites too but that is easy to see once you click the link for the site.

      And yes it will work in Europe because the search function in it talks directly with Google so it will work anyway, you’ll just be searching for a Keyword “Dentist in Dublin” and will pull the results from Google itself, along with a lot of other data about their sites.

      Looking forward to sharing my Templates, they’re very easy to edit and customize for any kind of client.



    • Noel

      Hi Delbert,

      Yes, from what I understand it can work with all of those.

      You’ll see exactly how it does it in the Demo Video, it’s pretty clever how the guys have put it together.



    • Noel

      Thanks Alan,

      I’m looking forward to it too!



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