5 Simple Tips to Make Your WordPress Sites More Secure

5 Simple Tips to Make Your WordPress Sites More Secure

I recently released this Security Report to my Subscribers showing them some Simple Ways to Make their WordPress Websites Safer and thought I would share 5 of the Easiest Ones with you in the post.

Each of these will only take a few minutes to do but will make a BIG difference to how secure your WordPress Installation is. So here we go…


1 – Keep WordPress Up to Date

This is one of most obvious things we all should be doing to keep our sites safe but many of us don’t. Each time WordPress release an update there are usually some important security fixes included so running the latest version is always the first step to keeping your site safe.

2 – Do Not Use “Admin” as your Username

Unless you changed this when you first installed WordPress your Default Username will simply be “Admin” It’s critical you change this right away to something unique and hard to guess. If you leave your Username as Admin then all a Hacker has to do is guess your Password and they will have full access to your site. So changing your Username will effectively double your resistance to being hacked right out of the gate.

3 – Use a Strong Password

A lot of people fall into the trap of using easy to remember passwords for their websites and email accounts. This is the last thing you should be doing and there is a simple fix for it. We use a Free Browser Add-on/Extension called LastPass which encrypts and saves all our log-in details for everything online.

And not only that but it Creates Super Strong Passwords and stores them all for us. So we never have to remember the log-ins for any of our systems and all the Usernames and Passwords are extremely unique and difficult to guess. I highly recommend you get this Free Add-on for your Browser and use it to keep all your log-in details safe.

4 – Limit WP Login Attempts

If you search around in the WordPress Plugin Directory you will find a number of different plugins that will stop Brute Force Attacks by allowing you to Limit the Number of Login Attempts an IP Address has for your site. So any bots that repeatedly try to force their way it will be blocked.

You can also Whitelist your own IP Address so you will always be able to access your site without any issues.

5 – Back Up Your Sites

Although Backing Up your Websites will not stop you from being hacked it can make the process of putting your sites back together a lot easier.  But be careful not to rely on your Host to take care of your back-ups for you because if your site is hacked and the back-ups are stored on your server then there is a good chance they are corrupted and can’t be used to rebuild your site.

I learned all this the hard way and that’s why I use my own solution – it’s a software that not only Backs-Up my Websites to Multiple Third Party Locations all over the World but also allows me to Restore a Clean Version of my Sites from a Back-Up in under 30 Seconds.

Unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to be able to code their own system but what I can do is invite you to a Free Training Webinar where I will show you exactly how to safeguard all your sites and keep your online business safe. Click below for full details and register your seat on the call.

But either way I hope you enjoyed this post and you can use some of the 5 Simple Tips I mention to Make Your WordPress Site More Secure.

If you have any questions, comments, or something you do to make your sites safer that you’d like to share then leave them below and I’ll respond to all comments personally.

Thanks for reading!



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  1. Jason Young

    Hey Noel, great post!

    I’m pretty new to WordPress so these tips will be a great help as I try make my blog more secure. I’m going to implement each one on my site.

    Thanks – Jason.

    • Noel

      Thanks Jason – glad you liked the post 🙂

      Don’t forget to download the Security Report from the top of the page too, that has a lot more tips that will help make your site safer.


  2. Gerry Fitzpatrick

    Thanks a lot for the free report Noel, this is going to help me a lot.

    Appreciate it,


    • Noel

      No problem Gerry, glad to be of service.

      All the Best,


  3. Thanks Noel! It’s great to know that something so good for you can also be fairly easy.

    • Noel

      It sure is Eric, often the simple things are the best.



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