Simplify Business and Think About Your Customers

Simplify Business and Think About Your Customers

One of my goals for this year was to Simplify my Business. What I mean by that is I analyzed what I do on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis and identified area’s that take up significant amounts of my time but deliver little by way of results. It’s been pretty good to just sit down, clear my head of everything and just really look at how my business is doing and how I can make it better and stronger for the year ahead.

The big benefit at the end of it is that I now have a plan to streamline more and more of what I do which has already contributed to a nice jump in productivity as I begin to roll out these changes.

One of the core things that I wanted to look at was how to improve the user experience for my customers – after all, they are the lifeblood of my business so I figured if I could find ways to look after them better then everybody would be a lot happier. So far this has lead to a few changes that I know is going to make a big difference with how our customers access our products and services.


New Look Support Desk

The first thing I did was overhaul our Support Desk. As you may know I use Zendesk to Power My Customer Support and recently changed over to their New Look Platform.


It’s a lot easier to navigate than the previous one with all our Products clearly displayed on the Home Page along with the most common questions that we receive. I’m putting a big effort in building out the Support Docs with lots of helpful articles and videos that will answer all the most common questions that our customers have.

The beauty of this is that it’s a “win-win” situation. Our Customers get instant answers to their queries and we cut down big time on our Support Costs due to the reduction in the amount of Tickets we get. So by helping others we are able to help ourselves too 🙂

The other big project I have been working on is how we actually deliver our products to the Customer and how we plan to Increase our User Experience going forward.


Central Hub Coming Online Very Soon

We have built a brand new website that we will be using to deliver all our Software and Training through going forward. The first benefit this brings to our Members is that they will be able to access all our software from one Central Hub. No longer will they need a separate log-in for every Members Area for every product of ours that they own, everything will be available from one location and updated on a continual basis.

It’s also going to be great because we’ll be able to integrate in any additional training we provide or webinar replays so members can access them whenever they like – kinda like our own Archive. Here’s a quick screenshot of how some of the Members Area is looking at the moment.


The emphasis is really on making life easier, for our customers and for us so that they can get access to the software, training and resources they need to power their business. I’m excited about bringing this online over the next month and I think people will really be amazed by what’s waiting for them on the other side!

So that’s just a teaser of what I’ve been up to in my quest to Simplify my Business. However it’s just the beginning and I’m currently working on a couple of big projects that I’m really excited about but more on them later.

Hopefully you’ve gotten a few idea’s from this post about how you can improve your business, maybe by simplifying your processes or by focusing on making your user experience the best it can be.

If you have any tips or comments feel free to leave them below and I look forward to reading them.

Thanks for reading,


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  1. Great thought, wouldn’t we all be a lot better off if we thought of other people first. Not only in our internet business but how about a world where we thought of others first. What a concept.
    Ron Dowell recently posted…Happy BirthdayMy Profile

    • Noel

      Exactly my thinking Ron! It’s like a mind shift, just to focus on something other than the bottom line. I really like it since I’ve began operating like this, obviously we’re all in business to make money but I think it’s healthy to keep a goal like this in mind because at the end of the day if you really help your customers then they are going to turn into repeat customers and then you are in business 😉



    • Noel

      The site is running Optimize Press 2.0 Matt – it’s not cheap but well worth the investment if you run a lot of members area type sites like I do.

      I’m using it on this blog too so it’s pretty flexible but is mainly for Membership Sites, Sales Pages, Squeeze Pages etc.


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