My Path to Success – The Next Big Step

Around a month ago I started teasing you when I mentioned I had a Big Announcement coming up. Well, it took a few weeks to get there but today I can finally lift the lid and share the big secret with you.

As of last week I have joined up with John Thornhill on his Partnership to Success coaching program. Naturally I was delighted to get accepted and I’m really looking forward to learning a lot and taking my online ventures to the next level under his guidance.

When I was moving on from Alex Jeffrey’s MWA program I began to research mentors and decide which one would be best for me and I came to the conclusion that the P2S program would be perfect. It was quite difficult to get in to and I’m sure I must have annoyed John’s staff with all the persuasive emails I hounded them with, but in the end I’m happy because I got the result that I was after.

I’ve made a big commitment by joining this program, I’ve committed to 12 months of weekly training, webinars and tips & advice from the man himself. I’ve no doubt it will end up being one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Never have I been so happy and content to have made such a big investment, which when combined with a lot of hard work will see me reap the benefits over the coming months and beyond.

But what does that mean for all of you?
I hope it means that I will be able to continue sharing my journey with you and all the little tips & tricks that I learn along the way. So it looks like this blog will be getting very interesting from here on in and don’t worry I will do my best to keep providing you with awesome content that will help keep you moving forward on your own path to success.

So that was the Big Announcement, it took me a little time to share it but I think it was worth the wait!

The Ugly Truth
I had a bit of time over the weekend so I sat down at the computer and put together a short report for you. It outlines all the “Deadly Mistakes” you have to avoid if you want to put your dreams into reality, build a successful business and grow rich…

This is completely Free with no opt-in required, just a little gift from me to say thanks for being one of my readers. Feel free to share it with others if you think that it can help them.

It’s not the prettiest ebook on the planet, nor is it’s content. I’m sure a lot of you will be able to relate to some of the mistakes outlined within – I know because I’ve made almost all of them!

It’s ok if you get a little angry with yourself, or with me, as you read it because I want it to motivate you and help get you to break free from whatever constraints that are holding you back at present.

Remember the saying “it’s not our traits which make us successful, but rather our constraints which hold us back from success.” So grab a copy, download the free report and enjoy it!

Click HERE to Download the Free Report

So that’s it for today guys – I thought I’d give you a short post today just to share those 2 little bits of news with you. Any comments on either please share them below, you know it’s your feedback and the discussions that we have here that really make this worthwhile so don’t be shy!

Talk Soon,

Noel “Killing Off The Day Job” Cunningham.



  1. Hi Noel,

    Thanks for the download. I have had a quick scan through and I will look at it fully later. I need some more motivation at the moment as I’m in a bit of a slump. I’ll get started again after the Jubilee celebrations.

    • Noel

      Hey Roger,
      Your very welcome – enjoy the rest of the celebrations 😉
      – Noel.

  2. Hey Noel

    Great news that you got into the P2S crew 😉 Mike Russon ex MWA is also part of this John Thornhill crew.

    I am sure you will get all that you want from this great priced course. Less than half what I paid for you know where.

    Thank you for the report will read on Friday when my head is clear from the Jubilee and meet up with my friend later this week to discuss a great online business proposal over a few Wines and tapas.


    • Noel

      Hi Paul,
      Thanks, it was great news to finally get accepted. I’ve already found Mike in the forum so I know I’m in good company! Well if I don’t seriously progress over the next 12 months with P2S I’ll only have myself to blame. But I think I’m ready for the challenge and work hard at it to take it to the next level.
      Sounds like you are all having a great weekend over there for the Jubilee, been following it on the tv – looks like one hell of a party! 🙂

      • Hey Noel

        Today is my recovery day, had a 2 day blast 😉 Meeting an online marketing Buddy Tomorrow in Norwich – could be a good day for me IM Wise. Watch this space.

        Anyway better not keep you, no doubt you have got lots to do.


        • Noel

          I’m sure productivity in the UK will be at an all time low this week after the festivities ha haa 🙂 – Good luck with the meeting, hopefully you’ll come back from with some IM Gold!
          Cheers Paul,

  3. Hi Noel,
    Congratulations on getting into Thornhill’s coaching course. That’s very exciting.

    I downloaded your ebook and will read it later today – cool header and navigation arrows in the footer – how did you do that?

    I’m looking forward to hearing about what you learn and following your success! Keep up the posts!


    • Noel

      Hey Karl,
      Thanks a lot, ya it’s all very exciting at the moment!I threw together the ebook with Omar’s SPC software, there should be a link to it in the “Resources” section near the end of the ebook. That’s just part of the software, upload image, paste in your text and it takes care of the rest 🙂
      No worries, I’ll keep the blog updated with my progress, it’s still early days but I can see a plan forming for the next couple of months so it’s all looking pretty good. All I have to do now is put the hard work in!

  4. Hey Noel,

    Congrats on getting in and I wish you all the best in your new course. You’re quite a focused guy so I reckon we’re gonna hear of your successes very soon.
    I downloaded your report and I really liked it. It outlines everything you should know when you start your online business… Loved the cover – I thought it was going to be a horror story (I suppose when you make some of the mistakes outlined in the report it does feel a bit horror-ish!).

    Thanks for sharing this post and your report!

    All the best,


    • Noel

      Thanks Jas – glad you liked the report, I was watching a scary movie friday night so I think that may have influenced the ebook cover a little 🙂
      Cheers for all the encouragement, it’s great to hear!
      – Noel.

  5. Hi Noel, congratulations on being accepted in JT’s P2S. John is a great teacher and I am sure that you are going to reach new heights with his coaching. Thanks for the free report I will download it and read it later.
    All the best,

    • Noel

      Hey Gerald,
      Ya, he’s very down to earth and his program is very structured (which is something I need because I get easily distracted!) so fingers crossed all will work out for the best.

  6. Hey Noel,

    Thanks for the ebook. I just went though it and it has some great advice and is motivating. I especially like the part about getting help. That’s what I have decided to do after going it alone for quite some time. Maybe we could get a mastermind group of other P2S’rs together. Just a thought.

    Anyway, keep it up bother man!


    • Noel

      Hi Kevin,
      That’s a good idea about setting up a Mastermind group – maybe post a thread in the forum about that to gauge/feasibility from the other members? Thanks for the feedback about the ebook, I think getting help is best bit of advice I’ve ever listened to. You’d get help if you were learning to drive so why not get help to build your online business. Makes complete sense 🙂
      Talk to you later,

  7. Just read the report. Great stuff. I especially liked the section on not going with the herd. It’s so easy to try to find the next best thing. The hard part is stepping back and asking yourself if it is something that you are ready to implement in your business.

    I can also relate to the “not having enough time” complaint. I worked 40+ hours a week right now, so if anybody should be complaining it would be me. However I still find the time to do what needs to be done, and I’m as lazy as they come.

    I really enjoyed the post and the report. Congrats on getting into the coaching program as well.

    • Noel

      Thank Kevin, glad you liked it 🙂
      I think when someone is working as much as you it’s really important to find a little bit of spare time Consistently to work on your business. Even if it’s just 1 hours a few times a week. If you can fit that into your routine and do it consistently, week-after-week you’ll keep moving forward.
      All the Best,

  8. yo noel,

    thanks for the wonderful report. I have downloaded it and will read it later.
    I really wish you the best of success with your new mentorship programme.
    Hope that you will succeed and I look forward to reading your journey here. 🙂

    • Noel

      Hi Muhsin,
      Thanks for the kind words;) I’ll do my best to chart my progress here at the blog so hopefully some exciting times ahead!

  9. Hi Noel,

    Thank you so much for the report!

    And great news about your coaching program – looking forward to hearing about it!

    Thanks again,


    • Noel

      Hey Christine,
      Your very welcome 😉 Hopefully you’ll get some value out of it!

  10. HI Noel.

    Thank you for the great information. I’m in John Thornhill P2S too and I know how you get excited to be part of this program.

    I hope we can create relation in this business. By the way I read your ebook, and glad I also make the same mistake before but now I do know how to avoid it.

    • Noel

      Hi Syafiq,
      Good to hear from you! Glad you enjoyed the ebook and I’m sure I’ll speak to you soon over in the forum.

  11. Ade

    You mentioned productivity being down in the UK but in the next couple of weeks I’d say it’ll be down in the whole of Europe with the Euro Championships starting up….and then the Olympics. I try not to watch too much TV but I’m a sucker for sporting events.

    In terms of internet marketing results and quitting the day job…. I think people have to change their mentality….it’s about getting paid for your results and not your time…..and also to start think about yourself as a producer rather than a consumer.

    • Noel

      Hey Ade,
      The whole country is going crazy over here getting geared up for the Croatia game – fingers crossed we’ll cause a few upsets in the group:)
      2 good points you made there about “getting paid for your results” and also being a “producer rather than a consumer” – I think everybody would do well to take them on board. Being able to change ones Mindset plays a Huge part in propelling yourself forward and closer to your End Goals.
      Thanks for reminding us about them,
      – Noel.

  12. Hey Noel,

    Big step my friend, way to go in finding someone to take your business to the next level. I’m just curious, after the MWA course, are you finding that there is still a lot of strategy that you need in order to succeed or are you looking to get into much more detail?

    Either way, way to go in making big moves!

    Talk soon,


    • Noel

      Hi Paul,
      It’s just way more detail and I have more personal support to help me on my way – I’ve got direct access to John and his team. The overall strategy is more or less the same but the actual implementation is different, a lot more structured…It’s a 52 week program with progression each week, you’ll also get to develop 3 products over the course of the year with John himself and help with the launch etc.
      Lots of hard work but lovin’ it so far!
      – Noel.

  13. Hi Noel,

    I am very happy for you for joining Partnership to Success program. I am following the program now, and my only regret is that I did not know about it earlier. It is easy to follow, step-by-step, you know what you are doing each week, and most importantly – John delivers what he promises to deliver, and so much more. With all that he is a very low key guy, nice and approachable. Which makes the whole process easy and fun. I have finally found what I need, and am going to stick with it. Wishing you success with it! 🙂

    Warm wishes,


    • Noel

      Hi Galina,
      My sentiments exactly! I’m glad you’re enjoying the course too, I like John’s “step-by-step” approach to everything and he def delivers big time with the training. I’ve seen a few products from the other members who would be a few months ahead of me and it all looks very exciting, can’t wait to have my first product with him ready 🙂

      Thanks for dropping by,
      – Noel.

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