Top 15 Blogs for Internet Entrepreneurs

The internet has given us the greatest platform in the world to build our businesses – but it has also provided us with one of the best education systems known to man. For many years now Entrepreneurs the world over have been using the internet to share their ideas and connect with their followers through their blogs.

It’s amazing some of the information these guys share with us for free every day. All you have to do is visit their sites and prepare for all the awesome tips and advice that they give out. Listed below are some of the Top 15 blogs that every Internet Entrepreneur should read, most of which I read on a daily basis.



Copyblogger is a fantastic website which shows you how important delivering high quality content is to your online business. Learn how to improve your copywriting and content marketing skills and you’re site will receive all the traffic, links, subsribers and revenue that you can handle.



Darren Rowse’s Prologger is the foremost blog advice site on the web. It’s full on endless amounts of tips to help grow your blog and make money blogging. If you ever have a question about blogging it’s best to skip Google and go straight to ProBlogger – chances are you’ll find all the information you’re after and more.


Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner is my favorite Social Media blog on the web. It’s a great resource that will help your business take advantage of all the benefits and leverage which Social Media brings. Whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. SME will keep you informed all of all the latest updates, tips and tricks.


Think Traffic

Think Traffic is a site which helps bloggers build websites that “matter” and offer great content to their users – all with the end goal of increasing your traffic stats, standing in your market and help you build a successful business.


Smart Passive Income

I love Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income blog. Unlike a lot of people Pat doesn’t pretend to be making millions off the internet but does share his secrets and tips which have allowed him to earn a consistent and passive income online. Packed full of content and advice this is a great resource for any budding internet entrepreneur.


Viper Chill

Viper Chill is a blog by Glen Allsop, a 23 year old entrepreneur who has been blogging and building websites since he was 15. Glen takes a different approach to the majority of online entrepreneurs which is evident from the “clean, no-ads” design of his site. A really good writer and his articles are always informative and well worth reading on a regular basis.


Quick Sprout

If you visit Neil Pattel’s Quick Sprout you will be met by the tagline “I’m Kind of a Big Deal” This sets the tone for this fantastic blog, I always look forward to reading new posts from Neil who is largely recognized as one of the best young entrepreneurs on the planet.


4 Hour Work Week

Β Tim Ferriss’s 4 Hour Work Week needs no introduction. On his blog he continues where the book left off. A really motivating read and definitely one for your Google Reader.


Seth Godin

Seth Godin’s blog has been labelled the best marketing blog in the world time and time again. If you take away even in a tiny percentage of the knowledge he shares during your visit you will be armed with enough actionable advice to take your business to new levels.



Retire@21 is a great site for every entrepreneur and covers many different topics and subject matter. The articles are always top notch and very thought provoking.


On StartUps

One of the most viral blogs I know – provides a wealth of information and is owned by Dhamesh Shah, founder of HubSpot amongst others.


Young Entrepreneur

This is another great site which covers nearly every different facet of entrepreneurship. There is a wealth of information on here and you’ll always learn something new with every visit.


Guy Kawasaki

As his tagline suggests “a practical blog for impractical people’ and I think that sums it up perfectly. Guy has a very unique way of explain very complicated marketing jargon in very simple, easy to understand language. Very cool blog.


Entrepreneurs Journey

This is Yaro Staraks blog where he shares all his methods on how he makes money online. A very interesting site and is perfect for beginners who are looking for someone to model themselves on.


Income Diary

This is a very interesting blog all about making money online, entrepreneurship and how to build a successful blog. One of most entertaining on the list and definitely where I tend to spend a lot of my time, really great articles and topics covered.


My advice would be to visit each of these blogs and add them to your RSS feed. What I like to do is spend the first hour each day reading the newest posts while enjoying my morning coffee.

It’s a great way to start the day – learning from some of the brightest minds in your industry. The ideas and advice they will share with you will ensure that this is one of the most productive hours of your day.


Did I leave out any of your favorite blogs from this list? Share you top picks below with me and your fellow readers so we don’t miss out on any of the good stuff!


  1. I already had Yaro’s blog and Problogger on google reader. I just added the rest. I’ve been looking for other blogs to read and participate in. I’ve been finding that the more reading I do, the more inspired I am. I’ve also been learning a ton, and have been able to write with more authority. One of the best ways to improve your writing is to read… And read… And read some more.

    • Noel

      Hi Kevin,
      Couldn’t have said it better myself πŸ˜‰

  2. Ade

    Some good resources here and a nice idea for a blog post. Also, I like your idea for consuming their output without getting overwhelmed. I’m currently looking at the . It’s more to do with internet marketing and affiliate marketing really but he puts out solid content. Oh and that site is looking promising….flattery will get you everywhere πŸ˜‰

    • Noel

      Hey Ade,
      Thanks for the feedback – ya, I think RSS is the way to go..It allows you to quickly check for new content and stops you wasting loads of time manually visiting each site. Cheers for the top off about Steve’s blog – I’m gonna add it to my Reader.

  3. Hey Noel

    Packed article with great info as always. Had a couple already added to my reader, the rest are now locked and loaded πŸ˜‰

    Had a look a viper chill and learnt so much from a half hour read.

    Thanks again for sharing

    • Noel

      Hi Paul,
      Glad you enjoyed it – Viper Chill is unbelievable, I actually got a free ebook off Glen in the War Room one day and the info he shared about how to build a following to your blog was nothing short of mind blowing. Since then I’ve been a regular reader of his and always learn something new with each visit.
      All the Best,
      – Noel.

  4. Hi Noel,

    Thanks for the list. I will be adding these to my reader. If only I could spent just an hour a day reading blogs and forums. I start the day by checking my emails, planing my day and reading some forum and blog posts, then, I look at the time and it’s lunch time! I really need to read the 4 hour hour week. Or perhaps I’ll start with the 17 hour week. And spent more time writing and less time reading πŸ™‚


    • Noel

      Hey Roger,
      I think we all have that problem from time to time! πŸ™‚ Hopefully one day we’ll all be living the 4 Hour Work Week Lol

  5. Hey Noel,

    Loved your list; already subscribed to some. Will sign up for the rest and have them all fed to my smartphone. Keep up the good work…and let’s all keep blogging!

    • Noel

      Hi Andrew,
      Good idea with the smartphone;) And glad you enjoyed the list!
      All the Best,

  6. Noel,

    What a great list! I can’t wait to start looking these over. Like Kevin said above I find I’m learning a ton by reading others blog posts, which often have links to cool videos by Frank Kern and others…next thing you know half the day is gone! But, it is very inspiring!


    • Noel

      Hey Karl,
      Frank Kern…now that’s another one that could be on the list! Ya, like Roger mentioned it’s hard to find the time but even 30 mins here or a half hour there a few times a week will help most people keep up to date with all their favorite blogs – and more importantly help keep them motivated with their own endeavors.

  7. Hello Noel,

    Thanks for this list man.

    You just saved me some serious time trying to search for popular and informative blogs myself. Great value to say the least. I will be adding them to my reader. I’ll be visiting these sites early morning tomorrow.

    Reading other seasoned blogs surely ups your motivation and skills. No good information is too much.


    • Noel

      Very well said Romi – you can never have enough good information!
      Glad you enjoyed the list, I’m sure those blogs will me invaluable to you:)
      All the Best,

      • Yo Noel,

        Can you please include me in your blog network? I will greatly appreciate it.


        • Noel

          Sure thing Romi, just added your feed to my reader;) I’ll be over later for a look around.

  8. Ade

    Yeah, you really don’t need to buy information products when you read everything these sites have to offer….the owners are very generous with the information they share. Glen Allsop even gave a full video course away last year which would put many a wso in the shade.

    • Noel

      Very true – if we all just kept an eye on some of these sites we would probably save ourselves a lot of money on crappy info products.
      – Noel.

  9. Wow I’m just going to pile on here and say great post. I like Darren Rouse’s Problogger and I have had some of Yaro’s training. Both are great sources of info especially for beginners. Some of the others you mention sound interesting and I’ll have to check them out very soon.

    Thanks for the info.

    • Noel

      Hi Ric,
      That’s cool you’re already familiar with some of them, I think you’ll def find a few gems in the others to add to your reading list πŸ™‚
      Your welcome, thanks for dropping by!
      – Noel.

    • Noel

      Excellent share Gerald – these are all going to be added to my Reader.
      Thanks a lot for the heads-up:)

  10. Hey Noel, Great list, will check them all out πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

    • Noel

      No worries – glad people are enjoying them πŸ™‚
      – Noel.

  11. Hi Noel,

    Some great blogs here –

    I must say that I don’t spend nearly as much time as I used to, reading blogs. Of course I have my core blog groups that I visit consistently πŸ™‚ but the reason I don’t spend time each day reading them is I found that I had no time to complete my own projects! Time was not on my side when I started reading and immersing in their content.

    I do read most of these on a bi-weekly basis though!

    Thanks Noel!


    • Noel

      Hey Christine,
      That’s great to hear that you are an avid blog visitor aswel πŸ˜‰ I think it’s great to keep up to date with what others are doing and it also helps with your own education.
      Glad you enjoyed the list!
      All the Best,

  12. Goes to show you (and me) how useful and powerful a site’s logo brand image can be. I thought I was dialed in to the top IM sites, but I see only 8 of these are visually on my radar. Interesting that Brogan and some of the other major Plussers didn’t make the short list?

    • Noel

      Hi Neil,
      I think the next time, with all the great blogs out there I could easily make a Top 50 list – there’s so many to choose from! You’re right, a logo is so important “a picture tells a thousand words” etc. That’s one theme linking all these sites together – they all have a very recognizable brand…

  13. Nice list Noel – Hope my blog makes your next list! Although some of my work has featured on Entrepreneurs Journey so I’ll take that as in some way being on your list πŸ™‚

    It’s always important to be out there and gaining influence from those around you rather then being in your own bubble. Each of these blogs has great things about them, if you can take a few from a number of different places then you are perhaps already on the right path.

    Surrounding yourself with winners is a great way to go.

    Dee Kumar

    • Noel

      Hey Dee,
      I would have had your blog top of the list but I didn’t want to be accused of favoritism so I gave some other guys a chance πŸ™‚
      Always good to broaden the mind by reading the work of others and learning as much as you can. Nice work getting on EJ – a great blog, one of my favorite.

  14. Hey Noel,

    Pretty good list of blogs here. At some point or another I was a frequent reader of most of these. Some have gotten better, and some that were once like the BIBLE of IM for me have become a bit different – but still good.

    One blog I’d suggest for your readers would be Marie Forleo’s blog – she talks not only about business strategy, but improving yourself on a larger scale – which is very beneficial for being happy in life and business.

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Noel

      Hi Paul,
      Thanks for that tip for Marie Forleo’s blog – we’re after building up a nice list here from everybody’s suggestions.
      All the Best,

  15. Great list of blogs. Some I am already subscribed whereas some I will now. And also hope someday my blog is featured among these great blogs and bloggers!!

    • Noel

      Hi Rajeesh,
      Glad you enjoyed the list and I’m sure Bloggers Word would be a worthy addition to the list!
      Thanks for dropping by πŸ˜‰
      – Noel.

  16. This is a good list. I am a big fan of Yaro Starak.
    I have been following him since the early days of
    my internet marketing journey. I hope that one day
    I will be able to meet him in person. πŸ™‚

    • Noel

      Hi Muhsin,
      Yes, Yaro’s story is quite inspirational – def a good guy to look up to πŸ™‚
      From my understanding I think he was mentored by Rich Shefren (like AJ was) and things really took off for him!
      – Noel.

  17. This is a really interesting / great list Noel. Thanks for putting it together. I’ve been a fan of Viperchill and The Smart Passive Income Blog

    • Noel

      No worries Jeremy,
      Glad you enjoyed it!
      – Noel.

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