Why Amazon Is Still Plan A for Online Marketers

Why Amazon Is Still Plan A for Online Marketers

I’m a pretty simple guy at heart and whenever I’m trying to figure something out I usually begin by stripping things back to basics, uncover the real question that I’m trying to solve and work forward bit-by-bit, step-by-step until I have the answer.

One of the most popular question that I get asked and is simply “How Do I Make Money (or More Money) Online” I could begin to unravel this mystery with an elaborate answer to try and impress you but I won’t, because it doesn’t need to be fancy, complicated or drawn out to make it right.

To make money online (and offline too) you need to connect those who are actively searching for a product or service with the solution.

In in simplest terms that’s all you need to do – but how you go about doing, that’s where the  men separate themselves from the boys.

The “Busy Fool” will spend months learning every skill under the sun such as Web Design, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Traffic Generation etc. etc. whereas the “Strategic Entrepreneur” will analyze the situation and draw up a plan that will allow them to get from Point A to Point B in the fastest possible time.

Point A – is the beginning, the place they are now before they start making a consistent income online

Point B – is where they want to be, after following their plan and staying focused they will get results and begin building their business and make money

In my opinion one of the overall best ways for anyone to get started is through Affiliate Marketing, this is where you promote a product to someone and if they purchase it through your link you can earn a commission on each sale that you generate.


But where do you find these people and how do you identify the products that they are searching for?

Again the hard way would be by doing endless hours of research, looking up trends online and finding some awesome product that you can promote. You then create your Niche Website, SEO to the best of your ability and hope that the traffic will arrive sooner rather than later.

But the smart way would be to become an Affiliate for one of the Biggest Websites in the World. One where millions of people go to each day to purchase products from every different niche known to man and whom there is a huge amount of trust and Brand Recognition.

Yes reader, I’m talking about Amazon.


Whether you are a Budding Blogger, a Niche Site Veteran or someone just starting one. My advice would be to sign up as an Amazon Affiliate and earn commissions by promoting products on Amazon to people who are searching for those products right now online.

Amazon Associates is one of the longest running and currently largest affiliate programs in the world. The margins and commissions earned on each sale may be smaller than when compared to products that you could promote from Clickbank or some other affiliate platforms but the sheer volume of units that you can shift places Amazon miles ahead of the competition.


Let’s take a look at some of the main advantages of Amazon.

1 : Amazon Associates is easy to set-up and very reliable

2 : Once a Visitor clicks your affiliate link they are cookied for the whole site, not just the product they visited meaning you can commissions on any product listed on Amazon

3 : You will never run out of something to promote because Amazon has literally thousands of products to choose from with new ones being added each and every day

4 : It’s great Reputation means that people trust it and are used to buying from Amazon.

5 : Amazon are the Conversion Kings and will convert more visitors into buyers than any other affiliate platform around.

6 : As you sell more items in a given month your commission rates rise. So the more you sell the more you earn.

So we’ve established that the Amazon Affiliates program is a great route for someone to go down when they are looking to make some consistent income online. How much you make and how fast you make of course will come down to a number of factors.

How many hours can you invest in your new business? How fast are you at building websites and building out content pages with your Amazon Affiliate links in them? So on and so forth….

You see deciding to become an Amazon Affiliate is a good method of earning some nice commissions but actually doing it requires another piece of the puzzle.

I know the “Busy Fool” will get bogged down in all the technicalities of building the perfect website but we are “Strategic Entrepreneurs” and we need something fast that we can easily get going so we can start reaping out rewards ASAP.


For this to happen we are going to welcome Fresh Store Builder 4.0 into the fold. This is the biggest selling Amazon Store Builder in the World and has been around about 5 years (and counting…)

It’s a piece of software that allows anyone to have a fully working and professional Amazon Affiliate Niche Store in minutes. You simply install the software and in minutes you can have your store online.

The beauty of it is that it integrates 100% with Amazon meaning that it can pull in all the Product Images, Prices, Content etc. and keep them updated for you automatically. This is a huge time saver because as you know prices online change daily so you could easily spend a few hours per day doing maintenance work on your new Amazon site just checking that the prices are correct.

Fresh Store Builder solves this issue and countless more but one of the best things about it is the fantastic training and support that Carey and his Team provide. It’s second to none and I highly recommend them, especially if you are interested in earning money as an Amazon Affiliate.

I believe in this system so much that I actually use it myself! You can see my Demo and Review Video by clicking the link below. On that page you can hear my thoughts about Fresh Store Builder, give you information about the Limited 75% Discount and show you by Awesome Bonus Pack that you’ll receive automatically if you decide to grab this great deal.

CunMark FSB 4.0 Review Video and Bonus Pack

But obviously this isn’t for everyone, I’d hate to see you invest in this software if you are not going to use it to it’s full potential and make a ton of money from it. So only check out my Review Video and Bonus Pack IF you are serious about making it big as an Amazon Affiliate.

I know it’s a great way of creating an extra income stream online and for the question I asked at the beginning of this post “How Do I Make Money (or More Money) Online”, I think it’s the best answer there is.

Let me know what you think below. Any comments or questions are always welcome and if you are already a Fresh Store Builder user I’d love to hear about any success you’re having with it.

So I’ll leave it there for now, thanks for reading!


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