Viral Vids for Boosting Business

Viral Vids for Boosting Business

Nearly every “Big Business” is after jumping on the Video Marketing bandwagon in recent times. Many invest huge amounts of money into viral advertisements that they place on YouTube in the hope of getting a reaction from viewers. Why do they want to get this reaction or to court controversy? Well, if you can engage with someone and force them to feel a certain way about your ad then there is a great chance that they will share your video on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. and send your ad viral getting thousands of views per hour.

With each share your video gets your brand is exposed to more and more people, raising your profile and driving sales of your products. It’s because of this and countless other reasons that Video Marketing has become one of the most valuable parts of any marketing campaign which has lead to it not only being used by big companies but by everyone from small business owners to local tradesman, to small town dentists. This is because Video is Real, it Engages with your audience on a different level that print advertisement and it has the possibility of going Viral – Fast!

One recent piece of research by Bubobox outlines 5 Reasons why Video is Good for Business :

  • Users are more engaged with content which they see is shared by their friends i.e. Video’s recommended by a friend on Facebook carry a lot of weight
  • Customers are more like to purchase a product after seeing a video demonstration or review
  • Video provides an almost “word-of-mouth” way of delivering marketing messages
  • Social Media powered Video Campaigns are booming and fueling the popularity behind video marketing due to how quickly they can become viral
  • Video empowers viewers and encourages them to share

This infographic will give you a more detail on each of these points.


So if Video Marketing is such a valuable tool why do so few marketers use it? Well, I guess this is because they don’t know where to begin. There is so much conflicting information out there that often it can be hard to find the facts and get going. That’s one of the reasons I released Simple Video Supremacy, to give marketers the tools they need to quickly set-up and profit from video marketing.

Video is huge right now but it is only going to get bigger and bigger. There have already been some new opportunities appearing recently with the popularity of Google Hangouts and also what I call the Hybrid between Youtube and Facebook to make videos go viral. This definitely points to an exciting future for Video Marketing and I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.

In the meantime if you have any comments, idea’s or questions feel free to leave a comment below.

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  1. Hi Noel,

    Nice article. The graphics and stats are particularly effective in enhancing your comments.

    I agree that video can improve your brand much faster than the written word but it was your comments on my site that compelled me to look you up.

    Congrats on putting out your first product. How is it doing? Are you happy with the results?

    I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts, so I signed up to receive the next ones directly into my email.

    I’m also very impressed with your sales copy of the Simple Video Supremacy product. I’ll be studying it for my, yet unnamed product, which I hope to be completed within the next few months.

    Keep in touch, my friend.

    Guy Martin recently posted…Focus Mindset: How Important Is This?My Profile

    • Noel

      Thanks Guy,
      Ya, SVS went really well. I was very pleased with how it went.
      I actually wrote the copy for it too, it converted really well so maybe there is a Copywriter in me dying to get out 🙂

      Looking forward to seeing what you’ve been working on. Keep me updated?


    • Noel

      Thanks Mary,

      I hope you enjoy the program and get a lot of use from it.

      All the Best,


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