3 Tips for a Killer Website Logo

3 Tips for a Killer Website Logo

One thing that all of us who run any kind of a Business or Website have in common is the need for an Awesome Logo. It’s something that is really important and I think that’s why graphic designers can command such high fees when creating them.

Luckily for me I don’t have to rely on designers anymore because I have my own Treasure Chest of 330 Logos that I dip in and out of whenever I need a kickass logo for any of my projects.


Whether you create your own Logos or it’s a task you still outsource here are 3 Quick Tips for making sure you end up with a Killer Website Logo :

1 – Memorable
When someone sees your Logo you want them to remember it and for them to be able to easily distinguish you from the competition. You don’t all want to have the same style logo because you will blend into the crowd and become forgettable very, very quickly.
2 – Describable
You want your logo to be a visual description of what your business is all about or the message you want to convey about your services. If you train dogs for a living then you will not want a little computer icon in your logo. You want something that when your audience sees it they will instantly recognize what your business is all about.
3 – Professional
This goes without saying but you’d be surprised how many businesses have really awful logo designs. It’s almost like they threw it together in 5 minutes on Paint or something. Don’t let this be you, make sure your logo is Professional and use it give your business a great first impression of who you are and what you do.


Now what I’d like you to do now is CLICK HERE or the image below and Watch the Short 2 Minute Video where I show you how to Create One Amazing Logo after another and without the help of an expensive designer.

How will we do this I hear you ask?

Easy – with the help of something I call my Logo Gorilla which is my own personal collection of 330 Awesome Logo Templates that you can quickly edit and use for all your upcoming projects.



Hopefully you Enjoy the Video and feel free to leave your thoughts/comments below and I’ll respond to them all personally.

As always, thanks for reading!

All the Best,




  1. Kevin McMahon

    Great tips Noel and your logos looked really awesome. They will help me a bunch!

    Thanks – Kevin.

    • Noel

      You’re welcome Kevin, I’m glad they helped 🙂

      All the Best,


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