3 Ways to Make More Money from a WordPress Blog

3 Ways to Make More Money from a WordPress Blog
3 Ways to Make More Money from a WordPress Blog
How to Make More Money from a WordPress Blog

In this post I am going to share 3 Ways to Make More Money from a WordPress Blog. These are Simple Tips that you can implement right away on your WP Blog to help you get better results.

Always remember that your blog is a valuable piece of Digital Real Estate so it makes sense to try and get the most value from it.

So in the Video we are going to pay attention to 3 Areas of your Blog including the Header Menu Bar, the Sidebar Widget Area + the Footer of your Blog.

If you have any thoughts or questions about these 3 Ways to Make More Money from a WordPress Blog feel free to share them in the Comments below ā€“ Iā€™d love to hear from you.

Free Training Invite : If you enjoyed this post and would like to learn more about me and how I make a full time living online then Click Here to Attend My Free Training Workshop!

As always, thanks for reading.

All the Best!



  1. Paul Solovitz

    Thanks Noel! I’ll be using the AdRotate plugin on my blog too.

    Great, easy way to keep it looking fresh and get more clicks on my ads!

    • Noel

      Awesome, glad you found the post useful Paul!

  2. Hey thanks for sharing this information with us and the points you share are really helpful for all others and specially for me I personally thinks that now a days people don’t want to strugle for anything and want that they achieve the success as soon as possible… what you think ? . By the way its my blog and want some do follow backlinks as most of the youtubers say in their videos, i hope you understand to improve my rankings and show my blogs presence in front of google ( https://www.edubibliography.com/ )

    • Noel

      No worries, glad you found the post useful. Good luck with your blog!

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