Using Facebook to Build Authority and Grow Your Business


The growth of Facebook and social networks in general over the past few years have made them very popular with Internet Marketers. The fact that you can build an audience of rabid fans in your niche in such a small space of time makes it the perfect place to hang out and start expanding your reach and influence.

I’m sure you’ve seen it…how countless Experts in a particular niche use it to build their credibility and explode their Authority. They almost become Celebrity-like in that they build such a loyal following of fans in very close nit niches. Even if we just think of Internet Marketing for a minute – names like Frank Kern, Mike Filsaime, Ben Adkins, just a few who spring to mind and who have used Facebook to enforce their brand and fuel their business.


But how can the Everyday Marketer use Facebook to their Advantage?

Well, lets think about this for a minute. You run a business in a certain niche and Facebook allows you to tap into billions of users which are interested in every niche possible. So by creating a Fan Page for your business you will be giving yourself the ability to tap into your target audience who use Facebook. You can make it more complicated than that but that’s where it all begins…



Above you can see a Facebook Cover Photo. This is the perfect place to start building your brand and begin to build out your Facebook following. You see once you have your Facebook Page set up for your Business you are going to want to keep your branding consistent across both your Website and Facebook so having a nice Cover Image is vital.

It instantly tells visitors what your page is about and can be the difference between them hitting the “Like” button and becoming a fan of yours, or leaving your Page forever.




Once you’re up and running you can open up a new world of possibilities for your business and if you use Facebook correctly this can all happen very, very quickly. In this post I talk how to Dominate Any Niche in Record time by building Facebook Fan Pages with thousands of fans in just a couple of days.

In fact when using this method I’ve been able to add 4k Fans for about $10 in Ad spend. Now, I don’t know about you but that sounds like good value to me!

Because once you have some traffic interacting on your Fan Page you can begin to drop in little Promotions and Competitions like the one above. And once you start doing this things really get fun as your images begin to spread throughout the web and go Viral 🙂



And the beauty of Facebook is that if you use it right you can get a huge return on your investment. Take this Coupon Graphic above….

If you post this on a Fan Page you are going to drive leads into your business, no doubt about it. People love a bargain and if you mix up the content you post on your page between Special Offers and Interesting Content you are going to have a highly engaged Fan Page that you can leverage whenever you like to drive more customers into your business.


And this model works for everything, including both Online & Offline Business.

It will work just as well for a Local Dentist giving 50% Off your next visit OR a software company running a 50% discount on one of their software.

People love a bargain and with Facebook you can target the perfect audience for your business and begin to market to them in no-time. And in the process build up a really big Fan Page in your Niche and Build Your Own Brand at the same time.

It’s a win-win for everyone and I think that’s why it’s so popular with Marketers. It just opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

So to sum up let’s list out just some of the Benefits of Marketing on Facebook…

1 – Increase in Exposure to Your Brand

2 – Reach Your Target Audience Fast

3 – Ability to Run Special Offers Direct to your Audience

4 – Send your Fan Page Traffic back to your Site

5 – Build your own Authority and be seen as an Expert in your Nice

The list is endless really because Facebook is always evolving and is always throwing up new opportunities for marketers to use to their advantage.


And the cool thing is, it all begins with setting up a Simple Fan Page….

All you need to do is get a Facebook Cover and some Promo Material Created and you’re good to go. Now most people would have to outsource all this design work but I use my own in-house software to create all my Facebook Marketing Graphics.

It’s called Easy Fan Page Wizard and it created all the example graphics I used in this post. If you’re interested in seeing a Short Demo of what it can do you can Watch this Video by Clicking Below.

[video_lightbox type=”url” style=”1″ auto_play=”Y” url1=”” url2=”” width=”511″ height=”288″ placeholder=”” placeholder_width=”382″ placeholder_height=”271″ align=”center”]aHR0cDovL3d3dy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbS93YXRjaD92PV9HOHhld2pYZHhRJmZlYXR1cmU9eW91dHUuYmUmaGQ9MQ==[/video_lightbox]


And if you want to check out the software for yourself, watch the in-depth Demo Video and See Example Graphics you can Check it Out Here.

Hopefully you find it as useful as I do and use it create all the Facebook Graphics you could possibly need as you go forward and begin expanding your online presence and marketing on Facebook.


If you have any comments/questions feel free to leave them below and I’ll respond to each of them personally.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Please click a little monster below and share your reaction with others…


If you’d like to read more posts like this or have any questions/comments on what I’ve outlined please leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Please click a little monster below and share you reaction with others…

– See more at:

If you’d like to read more posts like this or have any questions/comments on what I’ve outlined please leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to answer.

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Please click a little monster below and share you reaction with others…

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  1. Thank you, Noel this sounds interesting..I will be back to watch your video. I’m in the process of setting up a fanpage for a site I just started. I’m just wondering how you are able to give out coupons for a niche..

    Thank you for sharing, I will be back..:)
    Janice recently posted…Internal Link BuildingMy Profile

    • Noel

      No worries Janice,

      Making coupons is something you can do with the Fan Page Wizard. You can use one of the coupon templates and just put in your own business details and post on your page.

      There will be an in-depth video showing all of this when I put it live so keep an eye out for it 😉



    • Noel

      Hi Steve,

      Yes, I went through John’s coaching a few years ago – so your in good hands there!

      Hopefully you enjoy the program and it won’t be long before your selling your own products online.



  2. Hi Noel,

    Great blog btw. I have been looking at this product over the last couple of weeks, it looks a great tool. I have bookmarked your site to come back to buy it later this week and catch up on some of your other posts. 🙂

    I also just want to say that I am on a personal challenge to comment on all the blogs on P2S which I have a list of 155 and I want to complete this by 22nd of March 15, so remember that and please feel free to visit my blog and return the comment 🙂

    Best wishes

    paul recently posted…Can I really meet this Challenge?My Profile

    • Noel

      Hi Paul,

      That’s cool, and I’m glad you find the product useful.

      Hopefully you get a lot of value from it!



  3. I really like the way you are putting your pages together, they look interesting and different from the rest. I’m just getting mine going and hope you will stop by.. I am new to Partnership for Success and would appreciate any pointers.. Love the product by the way… It’s a good one.
    Lucinda Brummitt recently posted…DotCom Secrets Free Limited TimeMy Profile

    • Noel

      Hi Lucinda,

      Thanks for the kind words. I hope you’re enjoying P2S so far and sure, I’ll drop by your blog soon and see how it looks!



    • Noel

      Hi Roy,

      Yes, that was $10 well spent 😉

      Glad you liked the post.



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