The Secret Lazy Mans Way to Building a Giant Email List on Autopilot

The Secret Lazy Mans Way to Building a Giant Email List on Autopilot

Last week I sent around a Video to my subscribers where I showed them a unique, new approach to List Building. I got a such a big response to my video I thought it would be worthwhile to share the method here also in a post.

Haven’t seen the Video yet? Click Here to Watch it Now

Usually when we set about Building an Email List there are a few things we need before we can get going (and all of which cost money!)

Things like a Website, a Domain Name, a Landing Page and an Optin Form are some of the those that immediately spring to mind.

But a friend of mine called Paul came up with his own method for list building after finding all the above too difficult and time consuming.


Where this Method was Born….

After talking with some big name marketers about how they were building such huge lists so quickly he discovered a common theme.

None of them were giving away Free Reports, Videos or even using Squeeze Pages to capture someones email address.

They were simply giving away Free Software and when a user opened the Software on their computer they would receive a prompt asking them to Enter their Email to Register the Software.

Once the user entered their email address the software would add them to their Email List and the Software would unlock itself.


So Paul tried this method for himself by creating a simple little desktop software that he started to giveaway for Free.

And not only did he give it away for free but he allowed the users who downloaded it to share it with their friends also. Basically he wanted this app to go viral and be shared all around the web because he knew the more people who downloaded his software the bigger his email list would grow.


And what was the result of this test?

4,016 New Subscribers in just 79 Days!


And this was achieved with No Website, Landing Page or even a Domain Name!


But how can I copy this method I hear you ask? “I’m not a software developer, I can’t code my own app.”


Don’t worry because I have you covered on that front so please read on….

Paul created a system that allows anyone to copy his list building method by giving away your own branded desktop software.

All you have to do is Log-in to the Members Area, sync in your Email Service Provider (like AWeber, Get Response, Active Campaign etc.) and Download your Software.

He has created a desktop app called Tracks Social that you can whitelabel, rebrand and give away as your own.

And the cool thing is, when a user installs it on their computer and they get the prompt to Enter their Email Address to Unlock the Software.

When they enter their Email it is Added to YOUR List 🙂

You can See Exactly How it Works in my Demo Video Here


Let’s Quickly Recap How You Will Do this….

1 – Watch my Demo Video and Grab Access to Paul’s Tracks Social Software

2 – Log into the Members Area and Link in your Email Service Provider

3  – Rebrand the App by Adding your own Logo in if you like

4 – Download your Branded Version of the Software and Start Giving it away for Free

5 – Each time someone activates the software their Email Address is Added to YOUR List


Now doesn’t that sound easier than sitting down and creating a Website from scratch, building your Landing Page and all the other hassle that goes with building your List Building Funnel?

When I heard about this method I immediately tried it for myself and I’ve already added a few hundred subscribers to my list by giving away my branded app on a few software forums.


My Advice for Building Your List Fast with this Method

When you have your branded version of the app I’d recommend you give it away in as many different Facebook Groups as you can – just asked the Admin first if it’s cool to give it away. Then I’d do a quick Google and Submit it to a handful of Free Software Directories and also any relevant Forums that you visit.

It really doesn’t take much to start getting traction with this and quickly see 20, 30 or 50+ New Subscribers being added each day simply by giving something away for Free.


I think the reason this method works so well is because you are giving away Software and it is seen as far more valuable that a PDF eBook that nobody will read.

Another reason I feel is that you don’t ask people to opt-in on a Squeeze Page first to get their Gift. You are giving it to them already.

So by the time they have Downloaded and Installed in on their computer they have already made the decision that they want the software. So when they are prompted to Enter their Email Address to Unlock it they are more than happy to do so…

There’s probably some complicated psychological reasoning behind it but that’s what I think off the top of my head.


Hopefully you found this post useful and feel free to Watch my Demo Video above for a more in-depth look at this software in action.


If you have any questions, comments or thoughts about this post feel free to leave them below and I’ll respond to them all personally.

Thanks for reading!



P.S. Please click a little monster below and share you reaction with others…




    • Noel

      Ya it’s worth trying IMO. I’m still seeing new people sign up to my list from the software I gave away months ago.

  1. Maurice Brennan

    I like this concept of building my email list by giving away something for free.

    It kind of bypasses having to build an optin page as the software builds my list for me. Love it!

    • Noel

      It sure does Maurice, I’m glad you liked it 🙂



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