How to Redirect a Webpage to Another URL for Free

How to Redirect a Webpage to Another URL for Free

In this Video I am going to show you How to Create a Simple Redirect for Your Webpage so you can Redirect it to Another URL.

You don’t need any fancy software as it’s just a Simple Script that you can place into the Header Section of Any Page You Want to Redirect to a New URL.

Watch the Video for a full Walkthrough and then Copy the Script and Follow the Instructions on how to use it below…

Redirect Script to be placed in the Header Section of Your Webpage

<!-- Link Redirect -->
<META http-equiv="refresh" content="1;URL=">
<!-- End Link Redirect -->

Step 1
Change “1” to the Number of Seconds the Page will Wait before Redirecting to your chosen URL

Step 2
Change to the New Destination URL

Step 3
Place the Script in the Header Section of your Web Page

And that’s pretty much it!

I use this Redirect Script to Manage All My Links and it’s great for Retargeting People who Click Your Links as your Pixels will Fire in the Time it takes for the Script to Redirect to the New URL.

If you have any thoughts or questions on this post feel free to share them in the Comments below ā€“ Iā€™d love to hear from you.

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As always, thanks for reading.

All the Best!



  1. Tim Woolhagen

    This is a great help for me because the software I used to use for my links doesn’t work anymore.

    Thanks a lot Noel!

    • Noel

      Awesome, glad you find the post useful Tim!

  2. Ben James

    Hi Noel,

    Thanks for the post, this will come in handy. I noticed you redirect links on convertri, I presume it’s this script you are using on the pages?


    • Noel

      Yes, exactly Ben. That’s the script that I use to redirect my convertri page links to the new webpages.

  3. Thanks, Noel, for the great tip. I just started a marketing blog and will be able to use this with my affiliate links. I look forward to your next blog post.

    Mark Butts

    • Noel

      You’re very welcome Mark and good luck with your blog!

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