8 Reasons to Use Infographics in Your Business

8 Reasons to Use Infographics in Your Business

A few weeks ago I brought out a new software app called Easy Infographics Wizard which allows anyone to create awesome looking infographics for their websites. And what I’d like to do today in this post is briefly outline some of the benefits of using Inforgraphics in your business and how easy it can be for them to help improve your results.

So here it goes….in no particular order “8 Reasons to Use Infographics in Your Buinsess!”

1 – Increase in Traffic

Being so easily shareable infographics can lead to large increases in traffic as visitors “like” and “share” your image with their friends on social media.


2 – Build Your Brand

Having your Business Logo on your infographic is a great way of building brand awareness as your graphic is shared around the web because where your infographic goes, so does your logo.


3 – Easily Scanned and Understood

90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual and so using infographics is a great way to get your message across to your target audience and also understood.


4 – Better Rankings

Due to the viral nature of infographics you will have a lot of people linking to your content which will increase your value in the eyes of Google and improve your websites Page Rank.


5 – Establishes You as an Expert

The information that you will have curated and displayed on your infographic will help position you as an expert in your niche and someone who is very knowledgeable on the subject at hand.


6 – Global Coverage

The fact that what you publish on your site is accessible to everyone in the world makes your audience a global one and gives you a far greater reach than traditional print media.


7 – Super Viral

Being able to convey information in graphical form is the best way to get your message out there and is helped by the viral nature of infographics. They are one of the most viral content pieces online and are growing all the time.


8 – Fun Medium to Deliver Information

And let’s not forget that inforgraphics are simply just a fun way of delivering information. They are a lot more engaging than a simple text article and are easy to scan and understand all the facts, figures and data that they contain.

And just to prove my point here’s a little infographic I’ve put together that outlines a few reasons why you need to be using infographics in your business 🙂



As you can see above Infographics just look great on a site and this is one that I created with my Easy Infographics Wizard software in about 5 minutes.

Infographics have quickly become the new king of content marketing today. In a visual form they are able to give a lot of information about your product or service to your audience, and in a way that is far more fun and memorable than a plain old piece of text.


Using this post as an example which would you say stands out more and gets your attention? The text of the post or the infographic I’ve embedded in it?

I’m sure you’ll agree it’s the infographic and I hope this short post has given you some idea of the benefits of using them in your business.


Feel free to leave your thoughts, comments and opinions below and I’ll respond to each of them personally.

Thanks for reading,



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  1. Very interesting Noel, you make a great point..I haven’t started using infographics yet, but I do use Banners with Images and they are very useful..and fun to create.Just don’t know if I would be good at creating infographics. I do have your WPTubeSkin and I’m very pleased with it..

    Thank you for sharing your information on inforgraphics..:)
    Janice recently posted…Internal Link BuildingMy Profile

    • Noel

      No worries Janice, I’m glad it gave you some food for thought!



  2. A great summary, and yes these infographics are SO much more interesting that “death by powerpoint”. Almost to the point of giving everything away in one go!

    But also a lot of people I know (in this ever evolving online race) are using infographics on pinterest and other newer sites too.

    Simon recently posted…Review … Life in Half a SecondMy Profile

    • Noel

      Hi Simon,

      Yes, great idea to use Infographics on Pinterest – I hadn’t thought of that…

      Glad you found the post useful!



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