Top 5 Reasons I Love Using ClickBank

5 reasons to use clickbank

Recently I shared some of my thoughts on Facebook about the recent PayPal Closures that seem to be cutting through the IM Space like a Hot Knife through Butter.

Some of my friends found it really helpful so I want to share it here too so you can also hopefully benefit from what I shared…

It was about October time last year that I started to take notice of all the PayPal Closures.

Friends, customers and many work colleagues had their accounts suddenly closed and their funds frozen for 180 days or more.

Now although I also use Stripe I began to think what would happen to me if I lost my PayPal account and decided I needed a Plan B.

Or should I say a Plan C…

Top 5 Reasons to Use ClickBank

So a few months ago I set up my first ClickBank account since 2013 and slowly but surely duplicated my main Evergreen Funnels on there.

The first few products took some time.

There were Disclaimers needed on the sales pages, I had to give ClickBank Support Staff logins to my sites to prove I actually had a product to sell, and lots of other little hoops to jump through.

Nothing major but there was a learning curve.

But like anything the more I used them the more familiar I got and faster in setting up my funnels.

And now that I have everything duplicated on ClickBank I must say I’m really impressed.

Top 5 Reasons I Love Using ClickBank

  1. their Customer Support is Top Class
    I had some questions about their IPN Integration and received a fast reply with a Video showing me everything I needed to know
  2. they Collect and Pay VAT for me
    Because ClickBank are reselling my products they collect VAT and pay it for me which saves me a load of accounting hassle
  3. 1-Click Upsells
    I’ve noticed a higher conversion on Upsell Sales and I presume this is down to the 1-Click Upsell feature so customers only have to input their details once when making a purchase
  4. Money Wired Directly into My Bank Account Each Week
    They send me my profit less the 10% they keep back to cover Refunds on a Wednesday and it hits my Bank Account the following Tuesday like Clockwork
  5. No More Processor Worries
    I don’t have to worry about PayPal shutting me down before I get to withdraw my money as ClickBank use their own PayPal and Card facilities and just send me my share of the profits

I’m sure we all agree that No Platform is Perfect but I’m really enjoying ClickBank so far and although I still use PayPal (as of the time I’m typing this) I no longer rely on them as much as I did before.

So if you still have your account I would recommend you put in place a Plan B just in case – such as Stripe or ClickBank, or both.

And if you have already lost your PayPal and are looking for somewhere to go then definitely give ClickBank a look. I’m loving what I’ve seen so far.

You can Set Up a ClickBank Account for Free Here and if you need some step by step tutorials on how to navigate your way about the inside then I recommend you use John Thornhill’s ClickBank Superstar course. It’s what I used to guide me through everything and it was a great help.

Questions for You : what platforms are you selling on? And what processors do you use? Let me know in the comments below!

Free Training Invite : If you enjoyed this post and would like to learn more about me and how I make a full time living online then Click Here to Attend My Free Training Workshop!

As always, thanks for reading.

All the Best 🙂



  1. Hi Noel,
    Very nice writing, when I first started out on the P2S programme I only ever worked with the zoo. However, with all the things going on John released CBsuperstar and I absolutely love clickbank now, its more newbie friendly for getting approved as an affiliate etc, the support is fantastic and the payment system is more reliable. Anyway, great post and also I do love your wizard series of products.
    Keep up the fantastic work dude.

    • Noel

      Hi Kev, yeah I can’t disagree with anything you’ve said there. The fact that new people can be approved to promote ClickBank products is a big plus.

      And I also find more long established evergreen products on ClickBank and not just the launch type products that quickly disappear after a few months that you see on other networks.



  2. Caroline Spencer

    I’m an old dinosaur in internet years and have been using ClickBank since 2003. For me the ease of finding products to promote and being able to get paid direct into my bank account are the major pluses of using it.

    • Noel

      Yes, the direct wire transfer to my bank is one of my favourite things about ClickBank. No waiting around for an affiliate to pay you, they handle all that and then send the money to my account every week like clockwork.

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